Our free SMS receiving service allows you to use our free 10 minute phone numbers to receive SMS online. Anyone may use a genuine phone number to authenticate their account and so protect themselves from spam and other unwanted communications.
Messages are received every 15 seconds. To check for new messages click this button:
[Fambase] 433451 — ваш проверочный код, действительный в течение 5минут. Чтобы обезопасить свою учетную запись, никогда не пересылайте этот код. 26 day's ago
VulkanBet-bekreftelseskoden din er: 994820 26 day's ago
Use 775748 for two-factor authentication on Facebook. 26 day's ago
رمز التحقق الخاص بـ VSRewards هو: 731988 26 day's ago
BIGO LIVE code: 455131. Use to change account info! 26 day's ago
Geben Sie Ihre einmalige Bestätigungsnummer erneut ein, nämlich 281719 26 day's ago
Please use the code 456299 to verify your phone number for Namecheap two-factor authentication. 26 day's ago
Din VSRewards-verifieringskod är: 190137 26 day's ago
PayPal: codul dvs. de securitate este: 352727. Expiră în 10 minute. Nu distribui acest cod cu nimeni. 26 day's ago
Your Proton verification code is: 292256 27 day's ago
835022 es tu código de confirmación de Facebook 27 day's ago
Seu código de verificação do VSRewards é: 982390 27 day's ago
BIGO LIVE код: 601775. Използвайте за промяна на информацията за акаунта! 27 day's ago
رمز التحقق الخاص بـ VSRewards هو: 915087 27 day's ago
[Fambase] 784974 ist Ihr Bestätigungscode, gültig für 5 Minuten. Um Ihr Konto zu schützen, leiten Sie diesen Code niemals weiter. 27 day's ago
QPP Authentication Code: 427508 27 day's ago
602842 je váš ověřovací kód, zadejte jej na YoYo 27 day's ago
Ange ditt engångsverifieringsnummer igen, vilket är 604651 27 day's ago
Ihr VSRewards-Bestätigungscode lautet: 409864 27 day's ago
Κωδικός τηλεγραφήματος 059577 27 day's ago
[Olaparty] Използвайте 080405, за да потвърдите акаунта си в Olaparty. 27 day's ago
435368 è il tuo codice di autenticazione di Twitter. Non rispondere a questo messaggio con il tuo codice. 27 day's ago
PayPal: codul dvs. de securitate este: 022903. Expiră în 10 minute. Nu distribui acest cod cu nimeni. 27 day's ago
039541 — это ваш код подтверждения для Addchat — Случайный чат. 27 day's ago
Use of our SMS receiver service is free and will always be free.
Our free SMS receiving service allows you to use our free 10 minute phone numbers to receive SMS online.
Anyone may use a genuine phone number to authenticate their account and so protect themselves from spam and other unwanted communications.
We realize that your privacy is crucial, so our website allows you to protect your private information private while opening up access to web services that requires SMS verification.
Messages are immediately visible once they are received; simply refresh the page to see new texts. The displayed virtual numbers are changeable and disposable, with new ones being provided on a regular basis. After roughly seven days, the SMS texts we get are completely erased.