Our free SMS receiving service allows you to use our free 10 minute phone numbers to receive SMS online. Anyone may use a genuine phone number to authenticate their account and so protect themselves from spam and other unwanted communications.
Messages are received every 15 seconds. To check for new messages click this button:
Jūsų patvirtinimo kodas [TikTok] 277813 4 month's ago
Your TurboTax Code is 978195 4 month's ago
587709 är din Twitter-autentiseringskod. Svara inte på det här meddelandet med din kod. 4 month's ago
Ihr [OnlyChat]-Code lautet 439581 4 month's ago
854101 je váš ověřovací kód pro Twitter. Neodpovídejte na tuto zprávu pomocí svého kódu. 4 month's ago
615887 ist Ihr Bestätigungscode, geben Sie ihn auf YoYo ein 4 month's ago
[Fambase] 010652 är din verifieringskod, giltig i 5 minuter. För att hålla ditt konto säkert, vidarebefordra aldrig den här koden. 4 month's ago
118515 es su código de autenticación de GitHub. 4 month's ago
686350 er din Facebook-bekreftelseskode 4 month's ago
486510 هو رمز مصادقة GitHub الخاص بك. 4 month's ago
Votre code de vérification [TikTok] 386578 4 month's ago
Outbrain code: 184842 Valid for 5 minutes. 4 month's ago
Vuelva a ingresar su número de verificación única que es 371496 4 month's ago
194753 — ваш проверочный код, введите его на YoYo. 4 month's ago
853019 is uw verificatiecode voor Addchat - Random Chat. 4 month's ago
Your Arlo one-time security auth code is 233649 4 month's ago
Credova Financial Code: 812493 4 month's ago
Bun venit in China. Codul dvs. este 452693. Încărcați-vă contul și păstrați legătura cu prietenii și familia dvs. în timpul călătoriilor. Apelurile costă 1/min. 4 month's ago
Εισαγάγετε ξανά τον αριθμό επαλήθευσης μίας χρήσης που είναι 255198 4 month's ago
635095, Facebook onay kodunuzdur 4 month's ago
Your Mi Account verification code is 114132. It expires in 1 day. 4 month's ago
PayPal: Su código de seguridad es: 971930. Caduca en 10 minutos. No compartas este código con nadie. 4 month's ago
Use 710183 to verify your Instagram account 4 month's ago
Bem-vindo à China. Seu código é 856828. Recarregue sua conta e mantenha contato com seus amigos e familiares durante suas viagens. As chamadas custam 1/min para serem feitas. 4 month's ago
Use of our SMS receiver service is free and will always be free.
Our free SMS receiving service allows you to use our free 10 minute phone numbers to receive SMS online.
Anyone may use a genuine phone number to authenticate their account and so protect themselves from spam and other unwanted communications.
We realize that your privacy is crucial, so our website allows you to protect your private information private while opening up access to web services that requires SMS verification.
Messages are immediately visible once they are received; simply refresh the page to see new texts. The displayed virtual numbers are changeable and disposable, with new ones being provided on a regular basis. After roughly seven days, the SMS texts we get are completely erased.